Phenix Salon Suites improves tenant visibility with digital signage

By Jim Eakle
December 6, 2024

DERRY: Welcome to another SmartSign2Go customer story session. Today we’re going to hear from Marie at Phenix Salon Suites out in California on how she’s improved visibility for her tenants and generally made a more exciting space by implementing digital signage. She’s got one screen connected to one of our Pro Players let’s see what she has to say.

MARIE: My name is Marie and I am the managing partner for the Phenix Salon Suites in Orange California. We’ve been operating for about seven years and we provide private suites to hair stylist, barbers, aestheticians nail techs and a lot of people in the beauty industry.

My location happens to be one of the largest in Orange County with a total of 51 suites, very proud to be managing that location and we have an amazing group of Salon Professionals in there I just love walking down the hallways and seeing everyone in there and taking a peek through the windows. It brings me so much joy and pride knowing that I was able to provide them with that space

It’s not easy for someone to go get a retail spot. With a Salon Suite it’s very easy for anyone to start their own business so we have the digital signage in our lobby and we use it mostly for our directory. We have all of our Salon professionals listed on there along with their business name and their suite number so when clients come in they can easily look up who they’re here to visit especially if it’s their first time in at our location. We also announce special events like Phenix has this annual reunion in Vegas every year.

So you know we would just announce that on our screen I’ve started experimenting with it recently to sell some ad space to anyone that would like to advertise in our lobby since we do have a lot of traffic.
The software gives me a lot of flexibility. I can add videos, it has a lot of transitioning options so it’s been great to work with.

DERRY: Wonderful! Were you using anything else prior to this solution?

MARIE: I was. I don’t remember the name of the company but it was one that corporate had recommended. They were very expensive I just found the cost unnecessary and it wasn’t very flexible there wasn’t so much that I can do on there, it was very limited and I believe I needed to reach out to them every time I needed to make a change or something with the format being very difficult to work. So that’s when I knew I needed to find something different and I found your product online. You guys have been absolutely wonderful. The customer service is amazing! If I’m ever having any issues it’s so easy to get on a call or text you and, you know, get my problem resolved right away.

DERRY: That’s good to hear for sure! Is there anything you’ve noticed or been able to measure of improvements in the business or unexpected positive outcomes from it?

MARIE: I definitely get positive feedback from it whenever I am going through a tour with a prospect suite renter, you know, I show them the lobby area and I always point out the directory on the screen and they seem to really like that. I do notice clients that walk in if it’s their first time it does come in handy they definitely do reference the directory. So yeah, it’s been great. It was very easy to get it up and running from setting it up connecting it to my screen to being able to access it remotely from my desktop computer in my office. Everything was very seamless and very easy to put together, thank you. It’s been wonderful, I really enjoy the product and I’m very grateful for it.

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